61 Softball Quotes and Sayings Celebrating the Sport

This softball quotes collection will help you celebrate this amazing sport.

Softball is a great sport that involves less muscle and more intellect. In order to win the game, softball players must always think ahead and make decisions while in duress as they run the scenarios on the field.

Softball Quotes and Sayings Celebrating the Sport

Originally from Chicago, softball teaches the values of hard work and persistence. It teaches you how to survive in adversity because when playing the game, you are likely to fail more than win.

Softball also helps develop teamwork, which is a crucial skill if you want to be successful in life. Teamwork is a skill that applies both at the softball field and in the real world; whether you’re a boss or just an employee. The game helps you see how your actions affect other people.

In honor of this amazing sport, here is our collection of exciting and inspirational softball quotes, softball sayings, and softball slogans, collected from a variety of sources over the years.

Also read these inspirational golf quotes for additional motivation to keep playing and practicing.

Softball quotes and sayings celebrating the sport

1. ”Softball is for everyone. Fast-pitch is for athletes.” – Unknown

2. ”Softball has given me so much in life. It’s taught me the kind of person I want to be, and given me a sweet sisterhood. It even led me to my husband.” – Jennie Finch

3. ”We play this game (softball) with emotion and love._ Coach always says ‘Emotionally, physically, mentally — come to the field prepared.’_ Because if you don’t bring that to the field, you’re going to get beat.” – Laura Berg

4. ”Softball: Where good girls steal.” – Unknown

5. ”Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Unknown

Softball quotes and sayings celebrating the sport

6. ”Sweat dries, blood clots, bones heal, suck it up princess. This is softball.” – Unknown

7. ”When I step into batter’s box, the fans, the noise, the cheers, they all disappear. For that moment, the world is just a battle between me and the pitcher. And more than anything, I want to win.”  – Mary W.

8. ”If it were easy, they’d call it baseball.” – Unknown

9. ”Your body is not made to throw like we throw. That’s why you see softball pitchers pitching two or three games a day. It’s a natural movement in softball. In baseball it’s not a natural movement.” – Jamie Moyer

10. ”Softball isn’t a one woman sport, there’s 11 other girls who become your sisters. And don’t forget that you win as a team and lose as a team.” – Unknown

Softball quotes that show how amazing the sport is

11. ”Softball is like love, first you learn the rules of the game, and then you forget the rules and play from your heart.” – Unknown

12. ”It’s a game of making great pitches at the right time, being opportunistic by getting a run at the right time and playing good defense. –Mike Candrea

13. ”There is a way to play this game (softball) physically, but it’s the mental part that’s going to separate gold from silver and silver from bronze.” – Lisa Fernandez

14. ”What I love about the game (softball) is that the game doesn’t know who is supposed to win.” – Sue Enquist

15. ”Softball is life with the volume turned up, how loud is your game, crank it up!” – Unknown

Softball quotes that show how amazing the sport is

16. ”The softball gods giveth and the softball gods taketh away, but that evens out over the season.” – Yvette Girouard

17. ”I am who I am. I’m going to be who I am. And I’m going to give my all to the game in the way that I do it.” – Lonni Alameda

18. ”I played softball. I was on an all-star team. I traveled with the team. I loved it.” – Elizabeth Banks

19. ”Everybody knows that pitching and defense win championships. It’s all about defense. It’s that way in pretty much every sport. So if we can pitch and play defense we have a chance at a championship. But you can also win quite a few games by hitting.” – Ehren Earleywine

20. ”I played softball for a few years growing up. Both my brothers played baseball.” – Maggie Lawson

Don’t forget to also read these powerful coaching quotes that will inspire your team to the next level.

Softball quotes for both players and fans

21. ”When all the girls were getting all made up and getting into all that girl stuff in junior high I was out playing softball or touch football with the guys.” – Catherine Bell

22. ”I grew up on the softball field. Every day I would take my glove and my bat with me.” – Yoenis Cespedes

23. ”Never let yesterday’s disappointments overshadow tomorrow’s dreams.” – Allison, West Morgan Softball

24. ”Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Babe Ruth

25. ”Regardless of how you feel inside, always try to look like a winner. Even if you are behind, a sustained look of control and confidence can give you a mental edge that results in victory.” – Arthur Ashe

26. ”I think that certain players are going to approach the game differently. I am more of a quiet person. I like to have more of a focused energy and internal energy whereas some people need to be bouncing off the walls to be ready for the game.” – Caitlin Lowe

27. ”Softball, it’s more than just a game!” – Coach Dave, Sluggers Softball

Softball quotes for both players and fans

28. ”Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine! Softball is amazing that way as a sport. Everyone on the field has a slightly different ability that makes them perfect for their position.” –  Jennie Finch

29. ”Growing up, I played softball and I was a cheerleader.” –  Carrie Underwood

30. ”I played softball. I was on an all-star team. I traveled with the team. I loved it.” – Elizabeth Banks

You might also like these baseball quotes to bring the love of baseball into your life.

Softball quotes everyone should know

31. ”This game is about the long run. LIFE is about the long run. Pick successes that can build your confidence over time and stay in the process. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, but you can’t see the light if you fall into the trap of all the failures trying to pull you down.” – Unknown

32. ”The true definition of confidence has nothing to do with other people who surround us and statistics on a sheet of paper.  The only place that confidence comes is from inside YOU. Yes, you. Our confidence belongs to us, no one else.” – Unknown

33. ”Softball gives girls a chance to show the boys how it’s really done.” – Unknown

34. ”Once I step on that field all my stress, family problems and heartache go away…” – Unknown

Softball quotes everyone should know

35. ”It’s never too early to follow your dreams.” – Unknown

36. ”We’re going to step on the field knowing that every team we’re going against is going to push their game to that whole new level that we probably hadn’t seen. … We’ve just got to be ready to step up with them.” – Crystl Bustos, third base, Team USA

37. ”It’s always about wanting to one-up myself from the day before. There’s never an absolute 100% perfect performance, but going out and striving for that perfect performance is what keeps me going.” – Cat Osterman, pitcher, Team USA

38. ”By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Giselle C., shortstop, California

39. ”Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – Unknown

40. ”Dream big and work hard.  Play with passion and the sky is the limit.  Fastpitch rocks!” – Jennie K., catcher, Arizona

Softball quotes to inspire and motivate

41. ”To play it takes talent, but to win it takes desire!” – Unknown

42. ”Softball isn’t a game it’s a way of life. We play because we love the game, not for our parents, our siblings, or to impress people by how far you.” – Unknown

43. ”Softball is from the top of the heart every game you play its played by love in your heart.” – Unknown

44. ”Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” – George Herman Ruth

45. ”To some Softball is a game; to others it’s Life.” – Jennie Finch

softball quotes to inspire and motivate

46. ”Be ready for that curve ball, because you have no idea where it’s going. Not even the pitcher knows.” – Unknown

47. ”I make my weaknesses my strengths and my strengths stronger.” – Lisa Fernandez

48. ”A boy once told me that I play like a girl. I told him if he tried a little harder, he could too.” – Unknown

49. ”Softball girls aren’t afraid of a little dirt.” – Unknown

50. ”My parents taught me a long time ago that you win in life with people, and that’s important, because if you hang with winners, you stand a great chance of being a winner. – Pat Summitt (see more Pat Summitt quotes)

Don’t forget to also read these hockey quotes about hard work and team spirit

More softball quotes and sayings

51. “I am now, and will always be me. But when it comes time to step out onto that field, me gets a little more dedicated, a little more serious, and nobody stands in my way.” – Caitlin Sumpter

52. “Life will always throw you curves, just keep fouling them off, the right pitch will come and when it does be prepared to run the bases.” – Sara Ann Nielsen

53. “Hey softball pitcher: be that player that coaches warn their team about.” – Unknown

54. “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you away from playing the game.”- Unknown

55. “I’m not exceptionally fast or overly powerful._ But I have a good work ethic, and I make up for it by using technique and trying to be smarter.” – Dot Richardson

56. “Softball is life, the rest is just details.”- Unknown

57. “The values learned on the playing field – how to set goals, endure, take criticism and risks, become team players, use our beliefs, stay healthy, and deal with stress – prepare us for life.” – Donna de Verona

58. “Softball: Blood, sweat, and tears, and you still want more.”- Unknown

59. “This game (softball) is a game of inches. Sometimes they are going to go our way, and sometimes they aren’t.” – Ashley Hansen

60. “We play softball, but we ain’t going soft on you.”- Unknown

61. “Softball is an easy sport to fall in love because our game is fast paced and action packed.” – Yvette Girouard

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Did you enjoy these softball quotes?

Besides being a league competition sport, you can also play softball as a recreational sport. When played regularly, the popular summer past time has numerous health benefits too.

It can help with body conditioning, mental wellness and of course, burning of calories and fat. So, if you are struggling to lose weight, softball can be a fun way to lose the weight and gain your self esteem back.

Did you enjoy these softball quotes collection? Which of the quotes was your favorite? We would love to hear all about it in the comment section below.

The post 61 Softball Quotes and Sayings Celebrating the Sport appeared first on Everyday Power.

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