Learn how to deal with regret positively so you can get the most out of life. Regret is the action of feeling sad, remorseful, or disappointed over something one believes they have caused to happen. Regret comes down over your life like a dark cloud. If you are not careful, regret will steal your happiness and motivation. Working as a therapist and life coach, regret is at the core of all mental health challenges . People regret their actions; and as a result, feel guilt and shame. That guilt and shame is a painful emotion that dictates how we appear to others and to ourselves. The reality is that people often feel regret even though there is no evidence to back up that belief. Regret can be felt even without having done something dishonorable, improper, or ridiculous. The power of regret is in the perception of it. Something happens; you think that you have done something bad. You feel the emotion of regret coupled with guilt and shame. Your body physically reacts, and then ...