Double standards are hard to avoid in 2021; they are all around us, especially for females, young people, people of color, or the poor. If you fit into all four of these groups then you are likely exhausted from constantly seeing the unfairness all around you. You probably do not need examples from me, but I am going to offer just a few for everyone else. There are plenty of double standard quotes about men and women, so I won’t spend too much time delving into that because the sayings do a great job illustrating the point! Let’s take a look at the rest though. Have you ever encountered an old person who was just completely (insert whatever word here) rude, insensitive, perverted, and just downright unpleasant? Whenever they do get called out on this behavior, the answer is always the same: ‘I am old, I deserve to say what I want.” The truth is, everyone should be able to speak their mind, regardless of age, and it can be accomplished without being quite so cranky. If it is good f...