
Showing posts from March, 2021

Charles Lamb

"Here cometh April again, and as far as I can see the world hath more fools in it than ever." from Today's Quote

One Question for Anyone Who’s Stuck in a Rut: What Do You Believe?

“You become what you believe, not what you think or what you want.” ~Oprah Winfrey What do you believe? During the forced stillness of the pandemic environment we’re all living in, this is a question I’ve been faced with more intensely than ever. In particular, I’ve come to question what I believe about myself, and how that impacts every element of my life. Coming out of years of self-help for social and general anxiety, a long-standing eating disorder , and several dissatisfying personal relationships, I had to come to question what these external realities reflected back to me. For what you believe about not only your life, but more importantly, yourself, will show up again and again, and yes, again, until you’ve finally addressed the root of the problem. In my case, my lack of self-value resulted in many dysfunctions and setbacks in my personal and professional world. My deteriorating self-image led to my eating obsessions, a lack of confidence exacerbated anxieties, and the ...

What People Actually Mean When They Say ‘Get Over Yourself’

Have you ever had someone tell you to “get over yourself?” This is a phrase that people use when they feel a person is focusing solely on themselves and possibly complaining too much about things. Someone might also say this to you if they feel you are bragging or could be a little more humble. This statement comes from their perception of you and how they view your life. Does this make them right? Should you get over yourself? What the heck does that even mean? The answers to all that can be found by keeping things in perspective. So what does getting over yourself even mean? It means that you might want to make shifts in your perspective that result in behavioral changes. These behavioral changes will help you take yourself less seriously, look at problems with a new lens, and take steps to develop yourself. Do it because you realize these things might make your life more fulfilling, not just because someone else told you to! Keep things in perspective Getting over yourself has...

Abraham Lincoln

"Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves." from Today's Quote

How a Numb, Phony Zombie Started Singing Her Own Song

“Alas for those that never sing, but die with all their music in them!” ~Oliver Wendell Holmes Six years ago, I came across a line from an old poem that punctured my present moment so profoundly it seemed to stop time. On an average Tuesday, there I was, sitting at my desk, ignoring the stack of papers I was responsible for inputting into a spreadsheet and procrastinating as usual on the Internet instead. At this particular time, Pinterest was my drug of choice—anyone else? As I was aimlessly scrolling through wacky theme party ideas and spicy margarita recipes, suddenly, here came this old-school poet Oliver Wendell Holmes with these words that leapt off of my laptop screen and stung me like fourteen different bee stings to the heart: “Alas for those that never sing, but die with all their music in them!” I was floored. It was as if Oliver’s invisible hand had reached into my day and popped the protective bubble of my well-established comfort zone, sending me crashing down to t...

9 Hulu Documentaries That Will Challenge Your Perspective

In an age where anyone with a smartphone can become a documentarian, documentaries have become more inclusive and expansive. Today, we have curated a list of modern, unique documentaries on the popular streaming service Hulu that deserve your time and attention.  What is your favorite kind of content to stream on Hulu?  Viewing a documentary walks you a hundred miles in someone else’s shoes over a few hours. Whether the subject is from a different city, state, or country, viewing a documentary is an immersive experience that can change your overall perspective. The nine modern Hulu documentaries featured below traverse the many differences, as well as similarities, we all share as a society.  From a flash-in-the-pan internet celebrity to the plights of a free-climber, below are nine stellar Hulu documentaries that may change the way you think.  You might also like: 10 diverse Netflix shows starring women of color in 2020 Family From home to home, each family i...

5 Ways Introverts Can Develop a Strong Personality

Being shy and being introverted are often used interchangeably. But many introverts do NOT define their personality as shy. Instead, introverts will tell you that they CAN indeed interact and socialize comfortably with others but it’s just  not their preference.  The intro in the term introvert is the key. Introverts are typically very introspective : they spend a good deal of time in self-analysis. They examine their own thoughts, preferences, perceptions and observations to gauge their life’s direction and make life choices.  So, introverts are NOT simply timid individuals who do not possess social skills. In fact, many successful public figures will admit that they are more introverted than extroverted. Introverts are quite capable of developing and exuding strong personalities and publicly exhibiting their distinctive characteristics without fear. However, they need to consider a few key factors as they attempt to develop and display their personality to the...

70 Quotes to Help You Build a Growth Mindset

These mindset quotes will help you develop motivation, hope, and a strong character that will take you where you want to go in life. You’ll often hear it said nowadays that it’s best to embody a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset. This means you should always look at yourself as someone who is growing and changing, no matter how old you are. Any flaw or perceived failure does not reflect a permanent problem, but something you must continue to work on. How can a growth mindset benefit you? Whatever you’re trying to achieve, you must always fight negative self-talk that tries to convince you that you’re destined to failure. Whatever your mindset is, it tends to end up coming true. Staying positive and maintaining a mindset of confidence, determination, and hope can help you overcome challenges. A growth mindset is the marker of great character. Below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and thought-provoking mindset quotes and sayings, collected from a variety of sourc...

70 Mistake Quotes To Help You Bounce Back

If you’re looking for some motivation to help you make better choices, let these mistake quotes serve as your useful guide. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s in our nature as humans to fail. Whether it’s at work, your family life, or in your relationships, you’re bound to disappoint yourself and others at some point. But for you to make progress in life, you must learn from your mistakes. You must learn to understand why you made a mistake or experienced failure, and take corrective actions. That’s what successful people do. If you have ever done something only to regret it later, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed. You can learn how to make better choices, and these mistake quotes will help you do just that. They will help you gain valuable wisdom that will benefit you in the future. Along the road of life, you make many choices. And the decisions you make will determine the kind of person you become later and even affect your future. To help you make better choices, below is our collect...

Why Simply Asking ‘What am I Doing With My Life,’ Wastes Your Time

Do you ever have one of those days where you are left wondering, “What am I doing with my life?” Maybe you have these days more often than you would like to admit. I think this is something that happens to nearly all of us. We all set off on the path of our lives with this vision of how we want it to go. Sometimes, we achieve all of our goals and get there only to discover it isn’t what we actually want. Other times, we end up on a different road that leaves us dissatisfied with where we are because we know we were meant for something else. Something that serves our purpose in life and gives it all meaning. Being aware that something is off is a great first step in answering the question, but if you find yourself really stuck on it, and asking yourself this frequently, then it might be time to turn that energy into some forward movement. How can you create that forward motion and start answering this burning question? The answer to this question doesn’t have to be the perfect one....

3 Ways We Moms Can Stay Sane Despite All the Craziness

It has been quite the year for parents out there, and moms are feeling the strain. Being a mom has always been a balancing act, whether you stay at home with the kids, work from home , or work outside the home. Lately, many of us have been feeling a little wobbly, and some of us feel like we are about to fall right off the beam. Whatever your situation is, there are ways to keep a grip on your sanity despite all the craziness that we have experienced with COVID-19, layoffs, and school shutdowns. Life may look different, but our role as mothers hasn’t changed. We still are the glue that keeps everything together, the person who puts our families’ safety before our own needs and brings calm amidst the storm. I know my kids have felt the struggle with school being closed and then opening in a way that felt anything but normal. My husband is stressed about work and when we can go back to normal. But one thing I learned early in this pandemic is that maybe normal was overrated. My three...