Looking for thought-provoking belief quotes? It’s human nature to want to believe. In fact, people have several beliefs on every area of their life – from money, education, family life, to career. Some beliefs are ingrained early on. For instance, families teach their kids about the values of honesty and integrity. There are beliefs we pick up as we get older, like ideas on money, career, or friendships. There are beliefs that are good ( e.g. keep fighting in the face of adversity ) and those that are generally negative ( e.g. the belief that some people are better than others ). You can change your beliefs at any time, especially if they don’t apply to you anymore or if they are proven false. Whatever you stand for, be careful about the beliefs you hold. They could be damaging to you as a person, or they may be hurting others without your knowledge. Want some new thoughts or ideas on this subject? Get a load of these belief quotes that would get you thinking. Quotes and Ideas o...