Many of these Self Reliance quotes demonstrate the predominant elements of Transcendentalism: nonconformity, self-reliance, free thought, confidence, and the importance of nature. Self Reliance , an essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson in 1841, is about the importance of following one’s own thoughts and intuitions, instead of pursuing public norms. Emerson, a transcendentalist poet, author, and philosopher uses several transcendentalist themes to urge his readers to follow their individual will, instead of conforming to social expectations. Another theme that Emerson speaks about is “being misunderstood.” This is aligned with several of the transcendentalist themes, such as free thought, confidence, and nonconformity. The quotes about being misunderstood posit that it might not be a bad thing at all. What does Emerson mean though when he speaks about this idea of self-reliance? Keep reading through the list of Self Reliance quotes for a better understanding of the term...